I've been having a rough time putting this into words but I feel like it's better to say it now than never. I've been dealing with bad depression and paranoia for over two months or more, almost to a debilitating degree. Everyday it's hard for me to get up. Not like physically or anything, I'm doing fine in that regard. But, nothing seems motivating for me.
But the support for Runic has changed me. I've been toughing through depressive episodes and everything of the sorts for everyone who has read my little webtoon. Even if it's just one person, I want to thank you for wanting to see what I can do. I know I'm probably blowing it out of proportion but just knowing the fact that people have viewed my emotional outlet over 1,600 times just shocks me to my core.
In my personal life I feel like even 10 people acknowledging my existence is a major milestone, but my art has made me feel a joy that I wish everyone can feel (even if it has nothing to do with followers). But from the bottom of my heart, I thank every single one of you guys.
New episode soon.
I love you all.